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About Pastor Diann Avery

Born in an Italian Catholic family, Pastor Diann Avery left the church and from eighteen years of age until 35 God, faith and Jesus were not part of her plan.

Drinking and partying were her only plans. Work, eat and play all night. When Pastor Diann turned 35 things started to change. The drinking and partying no longer applied. Overweight and an alcoholic, Pastor Diann started to search. Search for peace and the meaning of life.

Well, she ended up in Over Eaters Anonymous and AA. She started to recognize that she needed God.

Riddled with fears and doubts, Pastor Diann really started to seek the truth. When you seek truth you will find it. On May 18, 1979 at 7:30PM, Pastor Diann in her bedroom asked Jesus to come into her heart and take over her life. She was born again, delivered from alcohol, and even though she struggled with cigarettes, in a matter of time she was free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36 KJV

 Many months later, in October, Pastor Diann was filled with the Holy Spirit of God, and called into the ministry to teach and preach the Word of God. She graduated from Hosanna Bible College and is Licensed and ordained.  

In 1986, she married Rev William Avery and Divine Life Line Ministries was established. This on fire couple preached and taught. In June of 2000, Divine Life Line Ministries became a chartered church and together the Avery's moved in the gifts of the Spirit and many people were healed saved and delivered from the oppression of the devil.

A wife and a mother of a special needs son, Nathaniel David Avery now 28 years old. Pastor Diann took care of Pastor Bill Avery, her husband when he became attacked in his body with Lewy Dimension, then going home to be with the Lord, Pastor Diann stayed faithful to the Lord and continues to minister both at Divine Life Line and throughout Cleveland Ohio.

Signs and wonders following and the Prophetic in operation, she remains faithful to the Lord and the work He has called her to do.

"Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds". 2 Corinthians. 12:12

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